
Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the question to reveal the answer.
How can BringMeThat be contacted?
How do I use BringMeThat?
How does BringMeThat work with restaurants?
Why use BringMeThat?
Why do the minimum order and delivery fees vary by restaurant?
Who delivers my food?
How do I check the status of my order?
What does Estimated Tax mean?
Help - there is something wrong with my order!
Is the site secure?
How do you process my credit card?
Are your prices different than if I ordered directly from the restaurant
My order was not processed but I still see a pending charge on my credit card
Why does my refund take 1-5 business days to process
How do I cancel my BringMeThat Premium membership?
What fees does BringMeThat charge?
No Refunds
My favorite restaurant is not listed!
Why do some of your menus not have prices?
Why do some links to go third party services?
Terms of Service
How do I remove my restaurant from Google Food Ordering?