buffalo or bbq
buffalo or bbq
strips of broiled chicken, cheddar, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, croutons & onion
strips of broiled chicken, lettuce, feta, calamata olives, cucumbers tomatoes & onion
strips of broiled chicken, parmesan cheese, romaine lettuce cucumbers tomatoes & onion
strips of broiled chicken, lettuce, mozzarella, mandarin oranges, onions, chinese noodles & mandarin dressing
an 8 oz. flavorful and juicy broiled coulotte sirloin steak..
succulent and tender basted w/ bbq sauce
tender breast of chicken sauteed w/ mushrooms in a marsala wine sauce
tender breast of chicken sauteed w/ capers in a white wine & lemon sauce
a large flakey filet of prime atlantic cod seasoned and broiler in lemon butter
with ice cream
with ice cream
Minimum Order is $10.00 before taxes and fees
Hours of Service:
Friday: 4:00am - 11:00am
Monday: 7:00am - 11:59pm
Tuesday: 12:00am - 2:30am
Saturday: 4:00am - 11:00am
Thursday: 4:00am - 10:00am
(Hours of Service May Vary)Disclaimer: Prices and availability are subject to change
We do not have prices for some of the items at this particular restaurant.
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